NE Day 6 – Departing Guatemala

Woke up early and had a nice “drip”. Won’t say it was a shower because for me that implies some semblance of pressure and even heat. It did end up warming in the end so I suppose I know what a shower would be like in a jungle.

We checked out of the hotel and got a call from Luis that he was able to take care of his last bit of business and so we though we were good to leave.

Silly us.

Apparently the Guatemalan bank declined to accept the last payment to the owner of the GWagon. Not good. Can’t leave the country without complete payment – even though Jim paid for half of the vehicle sight unseen. Fortunately the credit to his account had shown up in Jim’s bank so we at least knew where his money was.

The short version of the story is that we pooped some extra cash together and paid the balance and we were on our way.

Three Amigos
Jim and Edwin (previous owner)

We are currently averaging 32 MPH. Yeah. Not a typo.

At this rate we are estimating a 7 day drive assuming no issues.