My daughters wedding speech

Posting this for a buddy of mine whom shall remain nameless. He kept asking me to send him the speech I gave at my daughters wedding and I ran across it this morning while looking for something else. Here it is, short and sweet:

Michael, I’m going to give you a little different advice from what you may have heard before.  In fact this will be the exact opposite of what you usually hear. Its not politically correct, its just plain correct.

Shelbie, your wife, wants you to lead.

She wants you to be strong and to make decisions.

She wants you to have a plan.

She wants you to be the rock in your marriage.

She wants to be at your side and to know that you’re always looking out for the best interest of the two of you, even if what you’re doing upsets her at the time.

If you’re planning a night out, she doesn’t want to always be asked “what do you want to do?”.

She wants you to take charge and make a decision.

Because when you lead, she feels safe.

And when she feels safe and she feels cared for, she feels like the woman she’s always wanted to be.

Ok that’s it! I think it’s a good reminder for all married men.

I guess its official!

We got the official invitation today! Looks nice don’t you think? I can’t (and at the same time CAN) believe its getting so close – even though we have been planning for quite some time. Well – at least her initials won’t change!

Wedding Invite
Wedding Invite